A typical day at Gan On The Hill
A Day In The Life
Each week we do a number of activities to include Shabbat Party, making Challah, learning about Judaism and festivals, dance and movement, outdoor play, cooking, following the EYFS curriculum through learning and play, phonics, singing and lots more! We also visit a local Care Home each week and have a music and dance lesson with residents which is facilated by Debutots.
We follow your baby's routine according to your wishes. This includes meal times and sleep times.
Book A tour-
8am - 9am Breakfast club
We provide breakfast for children between 8am - 9am. After breakfast children are free to play until other children arrive.
9am - 10am Free play time and theme activity
During this period the children have many opportunities to explore the vast majority of resources in the room, including messy play, music, reading, arts and crafts and physical play. The children end this session with a tidy up time.
10am Toilet time and nappy changing
10:15am-10.30am Singing Session
A lively singing session with lots of props, instruments and puppets.
10:30am Snacks
After washing our hands we feed the children a snack which includes fruit, water and milk.
11am Outdoor play
This takes place regardless of the weather as we are lucky to have a large area which is undercover. Babies are placed on kick out mats.
11.45am Story time
12:00pm Lunch time
A hot Kosher cooked lunch is prepared on site and provided to all children.
12:30pm Nap time
During your settling in session we will write down your sleep routine and make sure your baby or toddler is put to sleep at the times you would like them to/that they need to go down. We find that most children eventually end up sleeping after lunch.
2:30pm Nappy time
2:45pm Snack time
3:00pm Daily variety
This session involves either an activity, circle time or outdoor free play as.
4.45pm Dinner Time