Opening Hours
Opening Hours
Flexible days and hours to suit you and your family
We are open 8.00 am – 6.00pm Monday to Thursday 8.00 am until 2.00pm on a Friday.
We know life is busy and want to make childcare easy for you. Your child can be at Gan On The Hill for a minimum of 3 hours a day and up to 10 hours. You can pick the days (2, 3, 4 or 5 days a week) and the hours (between 8am - 6pm) that you want.
We are open all year (46 weeks) and closed for one week at the end of August, one week over Christmas and for the whole of Passover as well as for the Jewish holidays. You can also choose to do term time only hours if you wish (38 weeks a year).
We accept government funding.
Please contact us to find out details of our fees.