Our Day


We are very fortunate to be able to provide individual cots for each baby and mats or a stretcher bed for the older children. Each child is asked to bring in their own bedding (sleeping bag/blanket) and a cuddly toy or comforter so that they are surrounded by familiar and comforting smells. We follow parents' routines and ask that you provide these for us if your child adheres to one.


Meal times are a social occasion where the children are encouraged to make their own food choices and sit at nicely laid tables or in highchairs together. We support your child’s weaning programme and adhere to any allergies or dietary requirements. We are a nut free nursery. All the food is strictly kosher and is delivered fresh, every day. The children also enjoy eating daily snacks of fruit and vegetables which parents are asked to bring in daily and they prepare together, with adult supervision.  There is a possibility that some fruits may have to be excluded due to children having allergies.

Settling In

At Gan on the Hill, we are very aware that leaving a child to go back to work can be a very daunting experience. Our extensive settling in period ensures that both the parents and child are at ease before they are left solely with us. 

We ask that you settle your child at least two weeks before they are due to join and we will support them and you through this process.